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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I was just thinking how there are always two sides to everything in this world!!! Even the interpretation of a mere post that I’m writing now, will have two different critical appreciations or analysis by different people. But we seldom care to think if there really is any correct and incorrect side to anything or whether these are mere interpretations of different minds in their own ways, which eventually leaves everyone dazed about even having their own honest opinion about anything. Leave alone standing up or vouching for other people, we just forget to stand up and vouch for ourselves in the whole process!

Many things that we want to say but end up not saying, due to all sorts of strange and more so silly inhibitions, like feeling awkward, coy, intimidated, stupid, and embarrassed and so on (Yes, I like to admit that I do it at times, and I hate it when I do it). The one thing that people always shirk away from saying is “NO”. Just think about this, when I write this, the first thing that comes to one’s mind is going to be different than what comes to the other’s, depending on their own instances in life where they either said or did not say the “No”. I feel a single “No” can save you a lot of time and energy…time that is very precious, which many people forget that it is. This is because it’s not their own time that they’re wasting; it’s always someone else’s. So it obviously comes for free…NOT in terms of money always, but in terms of mere share of responsibility or morals (fortunately, everything for everyone doesn’t measure up in terms of money).

When people analyse or judge or critique other people, their only deep rooted aim or futile goal is to see things in their own light to meet their own goals. It is in a way rather massaging for the human brain to see things the way they want to see and interpret them…for good or for bad? Noone least cares about that! It is a scientifically proven fact that almost 99% of people, who say they’re not prejudiced about anything, are the ones who are so, more often that the others. Not only this, but they like to dig out on how “one is what” by depending on they’re own or a collective human judgement which is finally human & which hence bears the human error. People randomly go on stamping people with their own coined and devised methodologies which might absolutely be some kind of nonsense. They who devise these methodologies, like to believe that those are the best, just because they have come up with them.

Eloquence is one such thing which is not always appreciated or liked when it comes from someone else’s mouth. The various versions (misinterpretations) that might be given to the word eloquence are arrogance, audacity, over-smartness, over-confidence etc…

I’m tired now…otherwise would have pulled this long…I don’t know if I’m supposed to say enjoy or put up any smileys over here…they’re just my random thoughts for today. Happy analysing for the day everyone!!!


  1. Urmilla, I think sometimes we have to say “No” to other people, and we are always at pain to say it because it is not easy to say it to someone. But if we can put it politely, and give a reason of the declination, we can hope that people will understand (On the lighter side, if they don’t understand, they will be put in same situation, sometimes).

  2. you always have sumthing to put us to think abt you......im telling you urmilla, the philosophical bug has got you :)

  3. Nishant comment is the best example of what I was talking about..."when I write this, the first thing that comes to one’s mind is going to be different than what comes to the other’s, depending on their own instances in life where they either said or did not say the No"...It might just be something as simple as someone eating up on ur precious time & you have to say No to them...Neway.

  4. This is not philosophy Hari, it's just that when people get the wits out of me I start writing...people are inspirations u know :)

  5. V. interesting post Urmila!! Reading your blog made me realise that the human mind is so gifted with the power of reasoning, the power to choose from the given options, the power to have opinions of ourselves and the world around us and the power to find a solution to any confusion by any means necessary. The way you spoke your mind is just fabulous :-)
