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Thursday, April 8, 2010

...Of Questions and Life!

7 years ago, I had made a New Year's Resolution which I remember till date. I will definitely come off as a NERD for letting everyone know what it was but I will do it anyways :-) I had decided that, each day, I would find an answer to a question I would come across for the whole year and that I would make a mental note of it. At that time, I had just made it up 'coz I thought it would be the coolest resolution among my friends at college. Little did I know that that 'made up' resolution would change my life for the better.

Ever questioned the happenings around you? Ever had that voice in your head scream out 'WHY' or 'HOW'? Ever had 2 voices in your head discussing opposing comments about something? On a similar note, ever felt excited to have the need to know the answers when you come across such questions? It really is a beautiful prospect when you think of it. If a question is easy to answer, good. If is a question is difficult to answer, it should be even better. The question could be as down-to-earth or as crazy as possible. Consider this one, how hard should I be punched on the nose for it to break? Or this one, is it possible to make Maggi 2 minute noodles in a mug of cold water? Or even something crazy like this, is it possible to change the operation of Ctrl C + Ctrl V to Alt N + Alt M? Try it on the keyboard, our fingers get cramped for room the 1st time but we do get a hang of it. The funny part (or, really, the sorry part) of the matter is that I have found answers to these questions :-)

My point is that when we experience so many events in our lives, when we ask so many questions (even if subconsciously) and when we learn so much from the answers, we should take a moment and relish every answered question as an achievement. A mountain of hurdles can be overcome from a sequence of small achievements. Remember that time in school when a Mathematics exam was due AGAIN? That exam seemed to come back so soon!! The only way we all cleared our Math exams was by practice. A practice of solving questions. Every time we found the answer, it was like finding gold at the end of the rainbow :-) The satisfaction of that achievement was so big that it at least gave us the confidence of looking at the question paper, holding the pen and writing the exam. Similarly, life has an infinite number of unanswered questions. We should all be elated of the achievement of finding THAT answer because, call it Karma or magic, we can be sure that it will be useful at some point in our lives or in the lives of people around us. Coming back to those weird questions, I do consider '2 minute noodles in cold water' as an achievement as it was helpful to know that when we were camping in the hills of spine chilling Ladakh and we ran out of kerosene :-) The 2nd time I had a broken nose, I had a laugh about it as I had experienced similar pain before :-) Alt N + Alt M was actually one of my failed (yet entertaining) projects during my Bachelor's Degree :-)

Trust yourselves and don't discount THAT question that pops in your mind as stupid. There are answers to most questions and answering each of them is an accomplishment. Everything that we learn from these answers WILL change our lives for the better one moment at a time :-)


  1. Thats a really good write up buddy.... i liked it alot :)

  2. Reading your post.. i kept thinking about all the stupid questions i have on my mind and that too all the time .. recently when i was talking to a friend of mine .. just generally i told him that when i keep looking for something .. i always end up finding something else .. and the info i got from him was quite surprising .. they have a scientific proof for this, that attempting something more times automatically increases the chances of some other variation happening. :)

  3. yes, nice post :)...I too am for this ideology of "attempting something more number of times & ending up with a variation which might be the winner", it's probably bcoz we tend to analyze things in different ways, consider different possibilities, analogies & finally come up with the true answers to their true questions. Infact, I'd say no question is stupid at all...it probably just gives you the exact correct answer to something that was also at the back of your mind. So in any case one always benefits!...It's like making all things fall into place...gold at the end of the rainbow :), like that.

  4. Chetan, when i was reading your blog, two things struck my mind. First thing was, that you have expressed urself so well, that reading ur post was like passing a knife through a bar of butter.

    The second thing, about which I was bit hesitant to write about, was that, life throws so many things to us all the times. A thinking mind would surely be simulated to find answers to them. But if we get into the habit of thinking, its very difficult to get out of that, and then we start missing life, and the little joys that it has for us because we can enjoy them only when we live our life outside of our minds. I am still struggling with this habit.

    I was bit hesitant to put my view. May be I am wrong.

  5. Hii Nishant! I can't imagine why you are hesitant at all with posting a comment :-D please be free with me and, for that matter, with everyone :-) You are definitely correct :-)
