Mission Statement

One Profession to Rule them all. One Team to Bind them. One Link to Bring them all. And on the Blog Find them. :) :P

Quote Unquote

"The difference between Infatuation and Love...Infatuation is ignoring flaws...Love is accepting them." - Anonymous


"Vacation is freedom from thoughts...its a state of mind." - Anonymous


"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other." - Anonymous


"Christmas is not as much opening our presents as opening our hearts!!!" - Anonymous


"You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You could swear, curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go."- Benjamin Button


Work for a Cause not for Applause.
Live life to Express not to Impress.
Dont strive to make your Presence Noticed.
Just make your Absence felt... :)

When it rains all the birds fly for shelter.
But eagle alone avoids the rain by flying above the cloud.
Problem is common to all,
But ATTITUDE makes the difference.

To live in the world without becoming
aware of the meaning of the world is
like wandering about in a great library
without touching the books.
-The Secret Teachings of All Ages

When you face choices, just toss a coin. Not because it settles the question. But, while the coin is in the air you will know 'What your Heart is Hoping for'.

A Beautiful line: First benchers are intelligent..................Until the last benchers dont participate in the competition. A ture fact.     -Anonymous

People look for the perfect person to love, but they fail to realize that a person becomes perfect when we begin to love them sincerely.     -Anonymous

Success will never lower its standard to accomodate us, we've to raise our standard to achieve it. For every bird GOD provides food, but not in their nest.     -Anonymous

Getting life is a matter of luck. Getting death is a matter of time. But to live in the minds of someone even after death is a matter of the deeds you do in your life.     -Anonymous (Sorry if the lines sound wierd when reading bec its translation of a gujurati thought)

Never Explain ! - your Friends dont need it and your Enemies wont believe it.(remember it from school time :) ) - Anonymous

Everybody says that a Mistake is the first step to success. But its not true. The Correction of the Mistake is the first step to success.     -Anonymous


Umbrella can't stop the rain but it allows us to stand in rain. Confidence may not bring success but it gives us the power to face any challenge.     -Anonymous


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