Mission Statement

One Profession to Rule them all. One Team to Bind them. One Link to Bring them all. And on the Blog Find them. :) :P

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life has changed ! ? !!

It was last week when I was leaving for office. I knew I was going to be late and so had informed my TL about the same. While I was on the way to catch the auto, I just happened to look at the zerox shop on my left. I saw many students waiting to get their zerox copies. It felt like their exams were nearing..may be in their college or may be in their classes. This scene took me through a quick flash back to the days I spent in college.

Life was so blessed !! No worries no tensions, just pure fun and time pass. Bunking the lectures and sitting in the canteen, coming in late for practicals and then messing up with the circuits, giving proxy signature for friends in the attendance sheet and then getting caught by the professor. There were no worries except for the semester exams. I never bothered or planned anything to do for the next day or the next week. Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM were never so boring or sad, in fact sometimes they seemed to be insufficient. Especially, when the college functions and sports week are going on; the only time when there is 100% attendance. Well, not in the classroom, in the college ground :)

Completing journals and assignments ON-TIME was one big challenge, as there was always a prior booking to be made to the champ (may be the first bencher..in my language pet of the professor :P) of the class. He completes the assignment and the same assignment rotates in the entire class. No one even bothered to check what was the assignment for, which chapter or rather which subject. The main question was–assignment submit karneka ka last day kaunsa hai ??? I don’t remember writing any assignment on my own in those 4 years. Everything was COPY-PASTE. And not only me, everyone followed this rule.

Fortunately or unfortunately, we cannot apply the same rule in our office projects :) :(. Life has changed. And so now I reach office every day morning at 9:30, log into my PC, open the project files quickly, and ………………………………………………….COPY-PASTE ;) (well my current project demands that, can’t help it :P) and finish my work for the day ON-TIME.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The funny side of everyday...!

2 gangs of 3 members each enter the 8.16am train from Kalyan everyday just to have a brawl in the crowd till the train reaches Thane. After 15-20 minutes, one of them screams 'Thana aala!' and they all just stop, turn around and get off the train. Yesterday was the 3rd time this happened!

While they are all fighting, another group of bystanders have left their seats....JUST TO STAND ON THEIR SEATS TO ENJOY THE EVENTS!

Bystander 1: "I have a Balcony ticket and I cannot see anything! Somebody refund my ticket!"

Bystander 2: "This is my new movie and enjoy the premiere in this train. The movie is titled 'Shootout at Localwala'."

Bystander 1: "Don't you dare pull the chain and stop the train! We are already late for work!"

At this time, the people fighting have now started hurling abuses at each other.

Bystander 2: "Listen carefully, this is a song in my movie" And, he does a different dance step at every verbose gaali.

Thane is quickly approaching and everyone is now hustling towards the exit now.

Bystander 1: "Kuch khaana bacha? Nahi bacha! Robert, aaj khana kuch zyada hi tasty tha!!"

If you don't find the last line funny, I 'prescibe' you to watch Andaz Apna Apna 2-3 times a week :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Short Story: Part1

It was raining heavily, when I first saw Kalu perched on the top of the pelmet. He was completely drenched in rain and had sought refuge inside my room. Thereafter, I would often seem him making sorties here and there, in the open air. Time and again, we would find ourselves giving curious glances to each other, I standing in my balcony, and he perched on the palm tree. He was somewhat different from the other crows. May he found me different too from other human beings.

I never saw him in the company of his own flock. But yes, he was fond of Rinki, the small baby who would drop more than she would eat. Whenever Kalu saw Rinki on the bench, he would instinctively know that it was party time. But party time was cut short when Kalu accidentally went too near to Rinki, and Rinki caught hold of him by his neck. Kalu cried with all his might but the baby was not ready to relent till her parents came screaming out wrongly thinking that the baby was in trouble.

After this incident, Kalu decided to play safe and so did the parents. So, whenever they took their baby out, they would make sure that Kalu was not in sight. And if they found him sitting on the palm tree, which happened to stand next to the benches, they would shoo him away. This left a bad taste in Kalu’s mouth. He developed a general aversion for human beings, which meant that I also got typecast, and we started seeing less of each other as the days passed. But yes surely, he never moved out from his palm tree house.

Though I won’t often see him, but whenever I got a chance, I would find him sitting listless on the branches. Sometimes he got restless too. He would be pecking his beak hard on the palm tree branches, as if angry. He was now a grown up.

One Sunday afternoon, from the window of my balcony, I saw another crow sitting on the palm tree. It was looking noticeably diminished in size and so I assumed it must have been the female species of Kalus’s clan. It looked as if she had decided to take some rest before continuing her journey. Curiously, I started to look for Kalu. He was nowhere to be seen. He would have been delighted to find someone like her, on the palm tree branches. As I decided to withdraw from the scene, I saw Kalu sitting on the window sill of the opposite building. He was looking intentively at this new visitor. He looked visibly excited too by the way he was hopping all over the window sill.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Tall dark slim and sexy………………………. Chair…

I had a really beautiful one. Tall dark slim and sexy... don’t exclaim I’m talking of my office chair. I may have started with a small backrest chair when I joined but I had been lucky to find an unattended long backrest chair. It was really comfortable and gave me head rest when I’d lay back and so I decided to adopt it. But little did I know that my relationship with her would be short lived. A colleague of mine had her eye on it since the time I told her about it. And one fine day she decided to swap chairs and she did so before I came in so I wouldn’t force a fight for it (smart move).

But I’m kind off ok with it as she had a reason to make those moves and her motives were clean. And she had also promised me to find me another one while she used mine. Apparently we did find one and the poor girl lifted it from its place and got it to my desk just for me but again I lost her to my neighbor. Since then we’ve been eyeing every long backrest chair around us and planning how to abduct it without anyone noticing it or minding our madness.

We hope we are successful so we can enjoy comfort while we work.

P.S: if you’re reading this and you own a long backrest chair, better chain it to your table. You never know when someone might just abduct it and deprive you of your comfort ;).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I was just thinking how there are always two sides to everything in this world!!! Even the interpretation of a mere post that I’m writing now, will have two different critical appreciations or analysis by different people. But we seldom care to think if there really is any correct and incorrect side to anything or whether these are mere interpretations of different minds in their own ways, which eventually leaves everyone dazed about even having their own honest opinion about anything. Leave alone standing up or vouching for other people, we just forget to stand up and vouch for ourselves in the whole process!

Many things that we want to say but end up not saying, due to all sorts of strange and more so silly inhibitions, like feeling awkward, coy, intimidated, stupid, and embarrassed and so on (Yes, I like to admit that I do it at times, and I hate it when I do it). The one thing that people always shirk away from saying is “NO”. Just think about this, when I write this, the first thing that comes to one’s mind is going to be different than what comes to the other’s, depending on their own instances in life where they either said or did not say the “No”. I feel a single “No” can save you a lot of time and energy…time that is very precious, which many people forget that it is. This is because it’s not their own time that they’re wasting; it’s always someone else’s. So it obviously comes for free…NOT in terms of money always, but in terms of mere share of responsibility or morals (fortunately, everything for everyone doesn’t measure up in terms of money).

When people analyse or judge or critique other people, their only deep rooted aim or futile goal is to see things in their own light to meet their own goals. It is in a way rather massaging for the human brain to see things the way they want to see and interpret them…for good or for bad? Noone least cares about that! It is a scientifically proven fact that almost 99% of people, who say they’re not prejudiced about anything, are the ones who are so, more often that the others. Not only this, but they like to dig out on how “one is what” by depending on they’re own or a collective human judgement which is finally human & which hence bears the human error. People randomly go on stamping people with their own coined and devised methodologies which might absolutely be some kind of nonsense. They who devise these methodologies, like to believe that those are the best, just because they have come up with them.

Eloquence is one such thing which is not always appreciated or liked when it comes from someone else’s mouth. The various versions (misinterpretations) that might be given to the word eloquence are arrogance, audacity, over-smartness, over-confidence etc…

I’m tired now…otherwise would have pulled this long…I don’t know if I’m supposed to say enjoy or put up any smileys over here…they’re just my random thoughts for today. Happy analysing for the day everyone!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hi Guys,
I couldn't find anything interesting to write about, so posting this text. Hope it u find it interesting & useful!!!!

Lots of coaches and consultants use the SMART acronym to explain goal setting. Each one uses a slightly different set of criteria. In this case, S.M.A.R.T. refers to goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Framed.

Specific: Goals need to be something specific. Often we set goals that are so loose, it's nearly impossible to judge whether we hit them or not. For example, a statement like "I will lose weight" is too vague. How will you know if and when you've reached your goal? Saying, " I will lose five pounds this month" is more specific. At the end of the month it will be a simple matter of weights and measures: take your measurements and get on the scale.

Measurable: Goals need to be measurable. For example, many of us want to increase our number of contacts. But, "making new contacts" is an ambiguous statement. A clearer objective is "I will attend four networking events each month and try to connect with one person at each." It's a simple, concrete goal. This makes it easy to see if you hit your target.

Achievable: Goals need to be reasonable and achievable. Nearly everyone has tried to drop a few pounds at one time or another. Often their success or failure depends on setting practical goals. Losing 15 pounds in 30 days is unrealistic (unless you're planning a medical procedure). Losing six to eight pounds in 30 days is reasonable. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are out of reach.

Realistic: Goals need to be realistic. When we're kids we think we can do anything. As adults we learn that while we can have a lot, we can't have it all at the same time. It's important to honestly evaluate yourself. Do you have the ability and commitment to make your dream come true? Or does it need a little adjustment? For example, you may love to play tennis, but do you have the time, talent and commitment to become a pro? Be honest.

Time Framed: Goals need to have a time frame. Having a set amount of time will give your goals structure. For example, many of us want to find a new job or start their own business. Some people spend a lot of time talking about what they want to do, someday. But, without an end date there is no sense of urgency, no reason to take any action today. Having a specific time frame gives you the impetus to get started. It also helps you monitor your progress.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

...Of Questions and Life!

7 years ago, I had made a New Year's Resolution which I remember till date. I will definitely come off as a NERD for letting everyone know what it was but I will do it anyways :-) I had decided that, each day, I would find an answer to a question I would come across for the whole year and that I would make a mental note of it. At that time, I had just made it up 'coz I thought it would be the coolest resolution among my friends at college. Little did I know that that 'made up' resolution would change my life for the better.

Ever questioned the happenings around you? Ever had that voice in your head scream out 'WHY' or 'HOW'? Ever had 2 voices in your head discussing opposing comments about something? On a similar note, ever felt excited to have the need to know the answers when you come across such questions? It really is a beautiful prospect when you think of it. If a question is easy to answer, good. If is a question is difficult to answer, it should be even better. The question could be as down-to-earth or as crazy as possible. Consider this one, how hard should I be punched on the nose for it to break? Or this one, is it possible to make Maggi 2 minute noodles in a mug of cold water? Or even something crazy like this, is it possible to change the operation of Ctrl C + Ctrl V to Alt N + Alt M? Try it on the keyboard, our fingers get cramped for room the 1st time but we do get a hang of it. The funny part (or, really, the sorry part) of the matter is that I have found answers to these questions :-)

My point is that when we experience so many events in our lives, when we ask so many questions (even if subconsciously) and when we learn so much from the answers, we should take a moment and relish every answered question as an achievement. A mountain of hurdles can be overcome from a sequence of small achievements. Remember that time in school when a Mathematics exam was due AGAIN? That exam seemed to come back so soon!! The only way we all cleared our Math exams was by practice. A practice of solving questions. Every time we found the answer, it was like finding gold at the end of the rainbow :-) The satisfaction of that achievement was so big that it at least gave us the confidence of looking at the question paper, holding the pen and writing the exam. Similarly, life has an infinite number of unanswered questions. We should all be elated of the achievement of finding THAT answer because, call it Karma or magic, we can be sure that it will be useful at some point in our lives or in the lives of people around us. Coming back to those weird questions, I do consider '2 minute noodles in cold water' as an achievement as it was helpful to know that when we were camping in the hills of spine chilling Ladakh and we ran out of kerosene :-) The 2nd time I had a broken nose, I had a laugh about it as I had experienced similar pain before :-) Alt N + Alt M was actually one of my failed (yet entertaining) projects during my Bachelor's Degree :-)

Trust yourselves and don't discount THAT question that pops in your mind as stupid. There are answers to most questions and answering each of them is an accomplishment. Everything that we learn from these answers WILL change our lives for the better one moment at a time :-)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cheers to a journey called LIFE !

Take chances!
Tell the truth !
Date someone totally wrong for you!
Say no!
Spend all your money!
Fall in love!
Feel the first kiss!
Get to know someone random!
Say I love you to someone in life!
Be mean!
Make fun of people!
Sing out loud!
Laugh at a stupid joke!
Take revenge!
Laugh when you fall!
Get into a fight!
Tell someone how much they mean to you!
Tell the idiot how he/she hurt you!
Let someone know what they are missing!
Abuse someone who deserves it!
Sit alone, watch the rain and cry!
Laugh till your stomach hurts!
Dance even if you suck at it!
Pose stupidly for pictures!
Give someone a hug when they need it, make sure you get one when you do!
Act like a kid!
Jump up n down!
Live it, Love it ...!
Because LIFE is just ONCE ... !
Make the most of it PEOPLE... !
Life is too small to make Complaints...
Cheers :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I wish I could do more of what I love to do most..

There are a lot of things I love; I love sports, I love music, I love movies, I love driving, I love enjoying a chilled beer. Now, I imagine this: Driving my favorite car, listening to my favorite music, I reach a virgin, unexplored beach. On this beach, I lay watching movies on my laptop sipping chilled beer. Now, how's that for a fantasy??

I've lived this fantasy a couple of times now. I've planned an unplanned vacation. :) The only planning I did was to look for a place i've not heard off on Google. Left Friday evenings and returned Sunday evenings. I miss doing this now. I sound like its been ages since I did this. Actually it does feel like ages even though as per the dates, its only been 3 weeks since I did this last. If things go my way, I would end up doing this every weekend. :)

There are a couple of other things also that I plan to do someday:
  1. Take an unplanned vacation to the north with friends and our better halves. This time when I say, unplanned, I mean truly unplanned. Book tickets only till Delhi. The rest of the vacation is planned impromptu. :)
  2. Leave for a vacation with a fixed amount of money in my wallet. No credit cards. Return only when I my wallet's empty. :) One place I would love to travel this way is Thailand. Love the tranquility on the hundreds of small islands on Thailand.

I'll keep this short.. I am writing only because I was thinking about this in my head and I knew I would be able to concentrate on work better if I write this out. :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Please don't rush

How often we have seen people push the “Close” button in the lift as soon they see every one is in, even if much of the lift is empty. May be we feel that since there is no out, why to wait. But had we waited for a while, had we not push the “Close” button, someone would have appeared at the glass door, and perhaps we would have loved to press the “Open” button to let him in. The thankful disposition of our fellow being would then surely have made us feel good. And if by chance, we would have found ourselves to have performed a thankless job; we could certainly have expected that someone would make the same effort for us.

I believe that “Close” button should be pushed only when a lift is fully occupied. What do you think?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dance With Me


Sing in lukka chupi tune


Moments we spend

Together will be,

In our heats, forever

Distances may,

Keep us apart,

But, forget, each other never.

Come dance with me,

On my favourite song,

Come dance with me,

Lets dance all night long,

Oh’ my love.(2)

I don’t know where would life take me now,

I don’t know if I’ll see you again,

Don’t know if I’ll be back.

I’ve got a war ahead of me,

And you standing by my side waiting for me,

Life has got me, to a fork,

Where love competes responsibility.

I cannot betray my mother land,

Don’t wanna betray my life.

So come dance with me,

And let me feel your love,

Come dance with me,

Lets do our favourite move,

Oh’ my love!


I would die each day my love,

But still would wait for you.

He can take away our lives,

But cant take me away from you.

Though we may be miles apart,

But you'd still be in my heart.

I’d think of you all day all night,

I’d miss you while we’re apart.(2)

Let us forget, what comes ahead,

Lets live this moment together

Let us make memories,

That will keep us alive forever.

So lets dance tonight,

On our favourite song.

Lets dance tonight,

Like the whole world’s gone.

Oh’ my love!(2)


I don’t know how to show my love to you,

Don’t know(pronounce as duno) how to fake happiness, I cant stop my tears

Don’t know(pronounce as duno) how I’d stay without your love,

Don’t know(pronounce as duno) how I’d survive….

I don’t want to go away now,

Not when I have you with me.

I may achieve glory on the field,

But without you I would be incomplete.

(Same indian vocals as in the song)

So come dance with me,

On my favourite song

Come dance with me,

Like the whole world’s gone

Oh’ my love!(3)