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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Boring, no?

"So both of you were alone for Christmas?" has been an invariable question directed at us during all conversations in the holiday season. I curb the technical writer in me that points out that "both" and "alone" are contradictory in a sentence, but instead nod my head in agreement, and arrange the face to look suitably wistful. The husband looks surprised, but as usual chooses to be quiet about it.

By default, this is followed by another question: " Boring, no?"

"No!" I want to say and fling the conversation onto a tangent - but instead I nod politely again, too lazy to explain the ramblings of my mind...that this is just another phase of life that I'm thoroughly enjoying...just as I did with the other phases in life.

When I do a mental rewind,
every stage of life comes up with its share of happy memories - of a pampered young girl, a happy-go-lucky student, a shy young bride, a proud mother of two, a budding professional...the roles are countless and the memories are endless. Does the mind have an uncanny knack of selectively remembering just the joyous and colorful moments...or is it that life has been bountiful? Guess it is both...ours is to just let it be.

So here we are, enjoying this phase of not having to deal with red-lined report cards, missed calls and lost phones, stay-overs and wake-up calls, Hardrock Cafes and Mood Indigos, AIEEEs and CETs, night-outs and hip-hops, Arsenals and IPLs...

Boring, no? Nooo!!!


  1. I enjoyed the progression that the post has as it moved along - every part more enjoyable than the last! :D

    The best part was about the wonder that the mind only remembers happy memories - makes me want to sit back and think along those lines...
