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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

...of MoViEs and LIFE!!

I remember the timeless Jack Nicholson bellowing at Tom Cruise 'You can't handle the truth!' in 'A Few Good Men'. The first time I saw the movie, I was so moved by Jack Nicholson's performance that understanding the complex plot of the movie did not matter at that time (truthfully speaking, I still cannot explain the story :-)...focus Chetan, focus!!).

I remember (vividly) the most narcissistic and the most lovable Heath Ledger as Joker asking 'Why so serious!?' and 'Do you know how I got these scars?' ever-so-vehemently in 'The Dark Knight'. I am so emotional about the character and the actor that I have stopped watching movies of the Hollywood artist who actually made a statement, 'He's dead, why give him an Oscar?'. Unbelievable!!

I remember the Governor of California having Austrian origins (any guesses?) announcing 'I'll be back' while playing a 'cybernetic organism' in 'Terminator 2 : Judgement Day'. He actually did that during political campaigns as well but that's not the point. As a child, I used to gawk at Arnold playing a robot that has come from the future. As a young adult, nothing has changed!! I still can't help myself from saying that famous dialogue in Arnold's voice.

Movies are a very important part of our lives. There is no denial that we open the newspaper everyday just to read the news. The servers of the online ticket booking websites go into a frenzy from wednesday every week making sure that we get our desired seats at that desired cinema in the that desired location to watch that desired movie. For those who are technologically constrained, 'Advance Booking' is our best friend and 'House Full' is our worst enemy.

Discussing movies is among the most pleasurable conversations that we can have with friends (or with strangers, for that matter!). The most joyous moments I have shared with my friends have been when all of us are watching/revisiting that favorite movie of ours while having amazing food. Not that the food does not matter, the experience of watching and discussing our movies is memorable for avid movie goers.

At a certain level, all of us are emotional about our movies. We either love them or hate them, and nothing otherwise will suffice. We cry, laugh, and are moved by the social messages (of every Aamir Khan movie). Movies help us improve our counting abilities as we flaunt about telling others that we have seen DDLJ 27 times. Knowing movie trivia is oh-so important that we all remember that 'Titanic' and the 3rd part of 'Lord of the Rings' won 11 Oscar Awards each (the Titanic numbers are well known...I was flaunting my Lord Of The Rings trivia here :-P). Release dates of popular movies and known weeks or months in advance (Harry Potter 7 Part 2 is 15-07-2011...more flaunting :-P).

Bottomline is, once a movie goer, always a movie goer - there is no end to us enjoying movies, and as McDonalds puts it - I'm lovin it!!


  1. another brilliant one bro... rightly said.... :) although i dont remember which movie iv seen how many number of times but i can keep watching the best and even the most stupidest movies over and voer again ;) :P
