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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Complexities of a "Relationship"

First things first I have no experience of being in a relationship so im sure whatever ideas I present here, there'll be a set of audience who wont agree with even a single word. But these are wholly and solely my ideas and not stereotpes or prejudices. So here it goes...

I never really got how and when the magic works... They say that if you like what the person looks like or the way they presents himself/herself then you are just physically attracted...and at times even called a pervert.. but how can you know the person through and through in the first few instances? Physical looks is only what is observed initially, at max the way they talk behave or the attitude they carry...and most of the people reading this will deny it upright... But the fact is, every individual is way different than what he or she presents themselves as. Also if you take the longer route, that is to get to know someone for a period of time and then eventually weeks, months or probably even years later you realize that you actually like them...sorry too late! you are already sorted in the friends category and have no chance...

The whole excitement of being in a relationship and getting to know each other better while on the journey fizzes out if you've known the person before... so what if you realize later if it was a wrong choice... atleast there will be no repent later that you dint give it a try... so either ways if you are not giving each other a chance, you are anyway a loser.

Lets assume somehow you managed to get the magic to work and we move a step ahead.... from the left wing, enters curiosity and desire....and from the right wing, enters insecurity and uncertainty. Now this is a fight match that can not be seen anywhere but in your own mind and still is one of the best matches ever...cuz both sides will not want to give up and also want to try and kick the others butt. But by default, the contenders from the right side of the wing have an advantage.... and this advantage rules most of the decisions you make while in the relationship.

"Every relationship has its problems. But what makes it perfect is if you still wanna be together.
One should not let a relationship just because of problems we have in life.
A relationship dont have just flowers...also has its thorn."

Why is everything left to be assumed? Why cant things be just simple and straight forward? When you give an exam in school or college, you make sure you have atleast gone through the portion or attended lectures to know what you have to write. The why not apply the sanity in relationships? If you like somthing then tell each other and if you dont then mention that too....it want make you a smaller person in front of the other... according to me relationships are where we try to understand each other and deal with things together....not what you think or what i think....it should always be what we think... why do we always turn so selfish? If we ever come out of our self made cocoon, we will see things, meet people, make mistakes, learn more and only then realise our life's worth. Sitting in a room full of world's knowledge wont make you smarter. Moving out of the circle of already discovered and trying things on your own, making your own mistakes make you the person you are. Thats what we always tell each other to do.... Think out of the box...but in actuality....no one wants to leave their box....as it makes them feel protected and secure...

"Relationship distorts when either one starts keeping record of wrongs."

To wrap up things, all I would like to say is, give life chances. You have only this life to do whatever you feel like. Take up challenges, adventures,relationships, anything and everything. Because you never know what life has in store for you until you actually take the first step.

"Always do tell someone what YOU feel,
say what YOU expect, with or without reason.

Because time gets lost in a blink of an eye,
but regrets can last a life long."

PS: As stated before, these mine and only my ideas and thoughts. You are free to agree or disagree with it. They are not intended to influence or change you perceptions of the same. These are just a mind's confused thoughts, nothing else. :)


  1. Love the way you have highlighted the ironies of relationships.

    The best part is that you have spoken very unlike a 'Relationship' virgin...!! ROFL :-D

  2. Wonderful post. Even though there are exceptions, most of your observations hit the mark.

  3. Nicely written... You have managed to list few of the real problems people face in relationships and even though you have not yet been in a relationship, you have managed to point out the solutions to all the problems that couples face and that is leaving their ego and letting themselves to be vulnerable to love someone or need someone. Once that happens, in comes the insecurities and uncertainities - the only solution here is communication. You have managed to hit the bulls eye here :) You can be a relationship advisor :D

    However, just one thing to add, relationships are unpredictable. You will never know - how it will start, when it will start, how long will it last, and how will it be. Many people fall in love the first moment they see the other person. Many of them take time to get to know each other first and then move from being good friends to being life partners. Many relationships are just accidental, one moment you hate the person and the other moment you start liking them ;)
