If you feel high, like flying in the sky. Or if you feel low, as in lower than the floor. Anything that troubles you, everything that doesn’t. Smiling or Frowning alone? you musn't. Share your heart out, spill some beans. Give away your frowns and take some grins. Tired of work and need some place. Wits N Words is just that space.
Mission Statement
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Four days in Ahmedabad - Day 1
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Waiting for the Gallows
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Chistmas!!!!
Here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas!!! Thanks for being a special part of my life and creating wonderful memories :D
Thursday, December 16, 2010
This beautiful hill station in north-east India is the capital of Meghalaya,”‘The abode of clouds” and is situated 4908 ft above sea level. The state got its name from Megh= clouds, alaya= abode. The famous poet and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore suggested this name on his first visit in the year 1919. Many of his famous works like ‘Raktakarobi (Red Oleander) and “Shillonger Chithi” (A letter from Shillong ) were penned during his stay at Shillong in the year 1923.

The distance between Mumbai and Shillong is 2846 kms approximately. It takes almost 48hrs by train or 2hrs and 30 mins by flight to reach Guwahati and then a drive of 3-4 hours to finally reach home.

The Guwahati – Shillong drive is about 100 kms and the experience is extremely pleasing; the fresh and cool breeze brushing over your face, the greenery, the faint sound of a stream flowing alongside the road, the “kuay” (beetel nut and beetel leaf with a small piece of ginger) to keep u warm from inside, and of course the fresh fruits from the roadside stalls.
The first glimpse of Umiam lake ! This is a beautiful man-made lake, popularly known as Barapani (big water), 30 kms away from the city… Umkiang, Mawiong, Mawlai and finally Shillong !
The Abode of clouds...
Lesser known facts:
Swami Vivekananda spent many years of his life in Shillong.
John Shepherd-Barron, inventor of the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) was born in Shillong.
Victor Bannerjee, an actor studied in St. Edmund's School Shillong.
Arundhati Roy, noted writer and Booker Prize winner was born in the KJP Synnod Hospital in Shillong. (I was born in the same hospital)
Utpal Dutt, the prominent actor of Bengali and Hindi cinema, was born in Shillong.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Walking into the light...
"O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish;
what good amid these, O me, O life?"
Answer: That you are here; that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"
- John Keating, 'Dead Poets Society'
the lonely wanderer walked through it all without a shred of doubt,
a grim smile on his face and his fears put to test,
he made his way through the raging tempest.
The trees were shaking,
beneath the stern gaze of the storm they were quaking,
the sword of lightning wrought havoc with each stroke,
amidst all this he stood tall akin to an oak.
The river was raging,
against the wind a war it was waging,
but he swam through the river,
and not once did his heart shiver.
The night grew cold,
but the traveler stood bold,
it was a battle of wills,
bringing forth all their skills.
The winds screamed louder,
and the lightning smote harder,
the wanderer’s heart grew darker,
and his steps seemed to falter.
Then the veil of clouds parted,
with a spear of light it was thwarted,
the spirits of the nature seemed uplifted,
and the gloom and the darkness departed.
The wanderer raised his head and looked heavenwards,
there was joy in his eyes and he was lost for words,
he fell to his knees, his mind no more misted,
and with peace in his heart, the tranquil morning his eyes feasted.
...of Contradictions and Life!!
- THE EVENT - My final semester exams of BSc IT in 2006
- THE ANTICIPATION - 50% programs 50% theory (write the programs = PASS THE EXAM!)
- THE CONTRADICTION - 20% programs 80% theory (question paper setters mocking at us!! write the programs = NOT EVEN CLOSE TO PASSING!!)
- THE RESULT - The exam caused the maximum no. of 2nd attempts that year (My University rank went from a possible 4 to 7....BLUSH BLUSH!!)
A contradiction consists of a logical incompatibility between two or more propositions (I can hear more 'WHY MEEEE???' whines after reading just the 1st line here :p) It causes unexpected situations in our lives for which we are not prepared most of the times. We cannot figure out the reasons for the particular outcomes, as they occur all-so-sudden that all we can do is bear the consequences. The simplest example of such contradictions come from our 'beloved' 'elected' ministers with their 'say-different-do-different' attitude. News about crores and more crores being misused keeps getting splashed all over the media and all I keep thinking is 'How many zeroes is that?'. Going back to the definition, there is a 'logical incompatibility' between what the ministers say and what they end up doing. We cannot figure out the outcomes of their doings till the story 'leaks' out and is suddenly in our faces ('leaks' is the best choice of word here, any guesses why? W_K_LEAKS :p)
So if these contradictions occur without any 'fire drills', how can we control them or prevent them? The exam that I spoke about was for the programming language, C# a.k.a. C Sharp (more like 'Contradictions' Sharp! GRRR...). Being prepared for anything that could be asked in the exam was the way to avoid the contradiction there. In the case of the ministers, if there is logical preparedness at all levels of the hierarchy which wants to work for the greater good of the citizens of the country instead of themselves, contradictions will not arise (somehow, I don't believe the minister solution myself, but it helps make my point :p).
Okay, the solution is preparation, but again, to what end do we prepare ourselves? We can't make sure beforehand that we are going to drop every 'Goliath' with just the one hit everytime. We, however, can collect enough stones in our keep to make sure that we have enough ammunition for every 'Goliath' and can also practice enough to have a better aim everytime. Contradictions, by nature, are stark opposities of each other i.e. they work in absolutes. Compare that to another term, unpredictability, which works in absolutes AND everything in between those absolutes as well and I'd choose contradictions over unpredictability anyday.
I believe contradictions are the spice of life!! (Actually, Variety is the spice of life...I am contradicting it :-D) Yes, I get bogged down by every event that does not go in my favor. Yes, I question my abilities at times when consequences of my actions are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I had anticipated. Optimism is our friend here - learning from events that go against us will help 'prepare' for such interactions and conflicts in the future.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Complexities of a "Relationship"
I never really got how and when the magic works... They say that if you like what the person looks like or the way they presents himself/herself then you are just physically attracted...and at times even called a pervert.. but how can you know the person through and through in the first few instances? Physical looks is only what is observed initially, at max the way they talk behave or the attitude they carry...and most of the people reading this will deny it upright... But the fact is, every individual is way different than what he or she presents themselves as. Also if you take the longer route, that is to get to know someone for a period of time and then eventually weeks, months or probably even years later you realize that you actually like them...sorry too late! you are already sorted in the friends category and have no chance...
The whole excitement of being in a relationship and getting to know each other better while on the journey fizzes out if you've known the person before... so what if you realize later if it was a wrong choice... atleast there will be no repent later that you dint give it a try... so either ways if you are not giving each other a chance, you are anyway a loser.
Lets assume somehow you managed to get the magic to work and we move a step ahead.... from the left wing, enters curiosity and desire....and from the right wing, enters insecurity and uncertainty. Now this is a fight match that can not be seen anywhere but in your own mind and still is one of the best matches ever...cuz both sides will not want to give up and also want to try and kick the others butt. But by default, the contenders from the right side of the wing have an advantage.... and this advantage rules most of the decisions you make while in the relationship.
"Every relationship has its problems. But what makes it perfect is if you still wanna be together.
One should not let a relationship just because of problems we have in life.
A relationship dont have just flowers...also has its thorn."
Why is everything left to be assumed? Why cant things be just simple and straight forward? When you give an exam in school or college, you make sure you have atleast gone through the portion or attended lectures to know what you have to write. The why not apply the sanity in relationships? If you like somthing then tell each other and if you dont then mention that too....it want make you a smaller person in front of the other... according to me relationships are where we try to understand each other and deal with things together....not what you think or what i think....it should always be what we think... why do we always turn so selfish? If we ever come out of our self made cocoon, we will see things, meet people, make mistakes, learn more and only then realise our life's worth. Sitting in a room full of world's knowledge wont make you smarter. Moving out of the circle of already discovered and trying things on your own, making your own mistakes make you the person you are. Thats what we always tell each other to do.... Think out of the box...but in actuality....no one wants to leave their box....as it makes them feel protected and secure...
"Relationship distorts when either one starts keeping record of wrongs."
To wrap up things, all I would like to say is, give life chances. You have only this life to do whatever you feel like. Take up challenges, adventures,relationships, anything and everything. Because you never know what life has in store for you until you actually take the first step.
"Always do tell someone what YOU feel,
say what YOU expect, with or without reason.
Because time gets lost in a blink of an eye,
but regrets can last a life long."
PS: As stated before, these mine and only my ideas and thoughts. You are free to agree or disagree with it. They are not intended to influence or change you perceptions of the same. These are just a mind's confused thoughts, nothing else. :)
Life at a stop
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
...of MoViEs and LIFE!!
I remember the timeless Jack Nicholson bellowing at Tom Cruise 'You can't handle the truth!' in 'A Few Good Men'. The first time I saw the movie, I was so moved by Jack Nicholson's performance that understanding the complex plot of the movie did not matter at that time (truthfully speaking, I still cannot explain the story :-)...focus Chetan, focus!!).
I remember (vividly) the most narcissistic and the most lovable Heath Ledger as Joker asking 'Why so serious!?' and 'Do you know how I got these scars?' ever-so-vehemently in 'The Dark Knight'. I am so emotional about the character and the actor that I have stopped watching movies of the Hollywood artist who actually made a statement, 'He's dead, why give him an Oscar?'. Unbelievable!!
I remember the Governor of California having Austrian origins (any guesses?) announcing 'I'll be back' while playing a 'cybernetic organism' in 'Terminator 2 : Judgement Day'. He actually did that during political campaigns as well but that's not the point. As a child, I used to gawk at Arnold playing a robot that has come from the future. As a young adult, nothing has changed!! I still can't help myself from saying that famous dialogue in Arnold's voice.
Movies are a very important part of our lives. There is no denial that we open the newspaper everyday just to read the news. The servers of the online ticket booking websites go into a frenzy from wednesday every week making sure that we get our desired seats at that desired cinema in the that desired location to watch that desired movie. For those who are technologically constrained, 'Advance Booking' is our best friend and 'House Full' is our worst enemy.
Discussing movies is among the most pleasurable conversations that we can have with friends (or with strangers, for that matter!). The most joyous moments I have shared with my friends have been when all of us are watching/revisiting that favorite movie of ours while having amazing food. Not that the food does not matter, the experience of watching and discussing our movies is memorable for avid movie goers.
At a certain level, all of us are emotional about our movies. We either love them or hate them, and nothing otherwise will suffice. We cry, laugh, and are moved by the social messages (of every Aamir Khan movie). Movies help us improve our counting abilities as we flaunt about telling others that we have seen DDLJ 27 times. Knowing movie trivia is oh-so important that we all remember that 'Titanic' and the 3rd part of 'Lord of the Rings' won 11 Oscar Awards each (the Titanic numbers are well known...I was flaunting my Lord Of The Rings trivia here :-P). Release dates of popular movies and known weeks or months in advance (Harry Potter 7 Part 2 is 15-07-2011...more flaunting :-P).
Bottomline is, once a movie goer, always a movie goer - there is no end to us enjoying movies, and as McDonalds puts it - I'm lovin it!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
....of ChAoS and LIFE!!
Your neighbors fighting (among themselves or with other neighbors)...
A hoard of vehicles honking away like there is no tomorrow...
Himesh Reshammiya composing music, singing and acting AT THE SAME TIME...
We are surrounded by situations of chaos at all times. Yes, Himesh, speaking with no disrespect to his talent, doing everything that he does IS ALSO CHAOS (apparently, he does'nt feel that way, but thats not the point). We hate it when we undergo chaos, and we enjoy the idea of others going through the same someday (we can't help being Sadists at times). The best example of chaos is the one we all face every morning. There are days when something as simple as getting ready and coming to work can get depressing and chaotic where everything just falls out of place. We even call it the worst day ever, that is till the next time a similar day comes along. (The title of the worst day ever only stays for so long, does'nt it?) But, could there exist a normality within all of this chaos?
In simple English, Chaos theory suggests that all chaos originates from small differencs in an initial condition. A bee buzzing freely all over the place is the result of the first flap of its wings. As the bee keeps flapping its wings incessantly, it can fly, and fly it does! If the left wing flaps more then the right wing, the bee will turn right, and viceversa. Not to say that a flying bee is chaotic (exception when it is stinging us), it supports the definition of chaos theory. Let's go back to Himesh (I don't know why, but I could'nt think of a better example). Most would agree that Himesh's music has always been popular and pleasing. This was the initial condition. The small difference could have come in when he sang the songs he created music for. Even that was loosely acceptable. His belief and confidence levels grew and what followed was chaos.
Our everyday experiences teach us at infinite different points of our lives. What makes us different from others is the fact that what can we do with these experiences. Everytime we come across a situation where nothing seems right and everything is wrong, there could be a small difference in the intial condition that may have caused all the wrong in the end. The idea of eliminating all chaos is definitely out of our control as random external events are in play which are beyond our control. What we can do is curb the chaos in our lives. We can understand the changes that could occur in time due to the subtle changes that are occuring now. For example, going to bed 15 minutes earlier could help in waking up the next day happy and on time. 15 more minutes of sleep creates a world of a difference at times.
Next time you come across a completely chaotic situation where you feel that everything is out of place and the whole world hates you, calm down, think back and figure out that small difference that may have germinated into something so out of your control. Hold back the chaos in your life and life is going to treat you well...