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Monday, July 19, 2010

LeAp oF fAiTh...

Ever wondered why you are doing THIS when you should be doing THAT? Ever considered your peer's life to be so much better than yours? Ever thought that you WISH.........? We all have had such thoughts atleast once in our lifetime if not more. Something/Someone (even ourselves) has stopped us from pursuing the THAT. It could be finances, lack of information or downright laziness that has kept us from pursuing the THAT.

All of us have dreams that we want fulfilled in our lifetime. Some of these dreams are whimsical, others treacherous, and yet there are some others that are so optimistic that they can define a direction in our lives. The important point here is that we don't have one dream in our lives. I can confidently say that if we wrote down all the things that we want in life, the list would be tremendous :-) We wanted these things at different stages in our lives and we forgot about them eventually as there was no way of getting there...

Now can we think of all of this with a positive frame of mind? Can we say to ourselves that 'I have the capacity to change this TODAY/FROM TODAY'? We are all intelligent people. We have the capacity to make decisions that will help us pursue our dreams. Having more information increases the probability (:-P) of making a right decision. But who defines right from wrong? Us? Society? Is this really the reason that we are unable to decide? For how long can we stuck at 'I am still thinking about this'?

LEAP OF FAITH...The best example to understand these words is a bungee jump. You are harnessed at your legs with a rope of high elasticity. This rope is almost as thick as your leg itself. You are told that all the safety precautions have been taken and you are tightly harnessed. You walk to the edge of the plank. You look back and you get a thumbs up from the expert. You now look forward and down. Do you jump? Do you know you will be safe? Do you trust THAT ROPE? Do you trust THAT EXPERT? On the other hand, do you know how exhilarating the experience is going to be? You may have an answer to this last question as you have seen bungee jumping on television and the way the people scream and are full of joy gives you an idea of how exciting this is going to be. This SHOULD be reason enough for us to jump.

Using the analogy of the bungee jump to life, there are so many reasons we give ourselves as to why we should not do something. But, is there one good reason why you should do that very same thing? Is that reason happiness? 99% of the time, it is happiness!! Something that will make you smile, something that will make you forget your fears and sorrows, something that will cause you to use words like JOY and BLISS, rather than TROUBLE and I WISH, something that will cause you to change your 2nd decision, then 3rd, then 4th....then comes a time when, irrespective of the situation, all you can do is SMILE as you are in control of THAT situation, however small your level of control is.

So make those seemingly difficult decisions and face the outcomes because it is YOU who has made those decisions with a giant LEAP OF FAITH!!!

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