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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Under the weather

I was diagnosed with "early Bronchitis" a while back. I had always hated taking pills and tablets and was hoping that the doctor had prescribed small tablets. But no, I had to take a 650 mg antibiotic twice a day! Worse, no sympathy from anyone at home! I showed the tablet to my mom and said, "What in history makes you think that I would be able to swallow this?" She gave me a look that only moms can give. My cousin looked at the elongated pentagon-shaped tablet and remarked, "Oh, this is not that big!" “But look how thick it is?” He then broke the tablet into two and said, "There! You can't swallow one big tablet, but you sure can swallow two small ones!" Yeah, right!

When you are on antibiotics, you experience the weakness-coupled-with-sleeplessness state. You can't sleep, you can't lie in bed all day, and you can't do anything else either - except for watching the idiot box. So, that's what I did. And wonder of wonders, a sparrow flew into my house from the balcony, took a left, and went straight for my room. I yelled, "No, not there! The windows are closed!" The bird continued flying only to hit the window and fall on my bed. My mom rushed out from the kitchen hearing me yell and went in to pick up the bird (I don’t know if it’s a he or a she!) and held it in her palm. Luckily, the bird didn't suffer any injuries.

I took a few snaps of the bird with my mobile phone. (I need to buy a good digicam. Any suggestions?) I didn't touch the bird fearing it would get infected. See, this is what antibiotics do to you. You begin to worry that a bird will catch your "early Bronchitis." Anyways, the little bird had a few grains of rice and was good to go in a few minutes. Mom and I stood in the balcony and watched the bird fly away.

So, altogether, being under the weather is not a bad thing after all. You are taken good care of, you get to laze all you want (blame the medicines!), and if you are lucky, you get to hold a bird in your palm!